Buying and Managing Domains

Domain Renewal Settings and Deleting unwanted domains

Domain Renewal Options You can choose 1, 2 or 3-year renewal intervals in your [client portal]( - or longer by reaching out to us. After we register a domain for you or transferring one into our care, we recommend setting your domains to auto-renew and we'll default to that setting in your portal. The domains registrar will send you reminder emails 90, 60, 30, 15, 7, 3 and 1 days before the expiry date to remind you to take action to renew the domain. Auto-R...

I got an email about not being eligible to renew my domain because of an expired ABN - what do I do?

You may have received a notification that you're not eligible to renew your domain because the ABN that you registered the domain with (maybe years ago) has expired. All domains must legally remain linked to an active ABN associated with a business associated with the registrant. The simple method: The simplest way to recover this 'expired ABN' situation is to simply reactivate your expired ABN ( - or you can contact t...

How do I transfer domains into my Ranges Account?

Keep it Simple New ideas that become profitable ventures all start with registering the right web domains, right? Like most people, we started with accounts and domain registrations strewn all over the web with the usual suspects like GoDaddy, CrazyDomains, Google, Wix etc. That gets confusing quickly, with all of them emailing, upselling and competing for your business. For growing businesses, simplifying and streamlining your different providers can be a huge win and helps reduce confusio...